外资(欧美) 500-1000人 生活服务 餐饮业
外资(欧美) 500-1000人 生活服务 餐饮业
爱玛客作为一家国际领先的专业服务公司,为医疗机构、各类院校、运动和娱乐场所以及商务中心,提供备受赞誉的配餐服务、项目管理服务、以及制服和职业装服务。自1998年以来,爱玛客连续被同行及业内评论家评为该行业三个最受尊敬的公司之一,在财富杂志评选的2012年度“世界最受尊敬公司”的名单中,再次名列本行业第一名。爱玛客通过关注雇员满意度、环境保护、卫生健康及社区共建,履行它对客户、顾客、员工和社区的职责。总部在费城的爱玛客,大约有255,000名员工,在22个国家开展其业务。 爱玛客中国的服务包括设备运行与维护、医院后勤管理和配餐等,遍布全国30多个城市的250余个项目。我们拥有超过24000名精心选拔、训练有素的员工。在这些员工背后,有着强有力的供应链、培训和支持系统,以确保他们能够在任何时候,准确地提供优异的服务。目前我们服务的客户包括数家世界领先的制造业和服务业公司,以及众多中国的医疗机构。我们培养和保留那些最优秀的——有能力和以目标为导向的人才,他们认可爱玛客提供的独特机会。我们维护一个环境鼓励创新思维和谦虚自信,伴有培训和职业发展项目帮助团队成员成长和发展职业生涯。我们为所有新员工提供必要的培训、有竞争力的薪酬福利待遇及广阔的发展空间公司。2009年《商业周刊》评选的前100名“***职业发展公司”,爱玛客名列其中。 请登陆公司网站了解更多信息:www.aramark.comARAMARK is a leader in professional services, providing award-winning food services, facilities management, and uniform and career apparel to health care institutions, universities and school districts, stadiums and arenas, and businesses around the world. In FORTUNE magazine's 2010 list of "World's Most Admired Companies," ARAMARK was ranked number one in its industry, consistently ranking since 1998 as one of the top three most admired companies in its industry as evaluated by peers and analysts. ARAMARK seeks to responsibly address issues that matter to its clients, customers, employees and communities by focusing on employee advocacy, environmental stewardship, health and wellness, and community involvement. Headquartered in Philadelphia, ARAMARK has approximately 255,000 employees serving clients in 22 countries. ARAMARK China offers managed services including environmental housekeeping, security, patient transportation, plant operations and maintenance, laundry and linen distribution, ground care and food services at more than 250 facilities in over 30 cities across China. ARAMARK’s operations in China are supported by a team of more than 15,000 people who are carefully selected and trained to deliver the best possible experience for our Clients. This team is backed by an outstanding supply chain and training and support programs designed to provide the right service delivery, every time. Current customers include some of the world’s leading manufacturing and service companies as well as many of China’s best health care facilities. We nurture and retain the very best -- talented, goal oriented individuals who recognize the unique opportunities ARAMARK offers. We maintain an environment that encourages innovative thinking and humble confidence, along with training and professional development programs that help team members grow and advance their careers. We will provide all new employees with the necessary training, competitive compensation package and career development opportunities. In 2009, ARAMARK was ranked among the Top 100 "Best Places to Launch a Career" by “Business Week” magazineFor more information about ARAMARK, please visit our website at www.aramark.com